
Empowering individuals to own and control their own data.


Token ticker




Event date

16 May

Token listing


Refund duration


Accepted currency

The Verida Network is the first decentralized database network for owning, storing and controlling private data.

The Verida Network creates a decentralized and hyper-efficient tokenized data economy for personal data. It gives users unparalleled control and ownership over their personal information. The Verida Network is a decentralized public infrastructure network (DePIN) providing secure and private database storage for users to own and control their private data. The Verida Storage Credit Token (VDA) creates a data economy enabling secure interactions between accounts to facilitate secure data storage, trusted sharing and fast querying. Users can spend credits to store and exchange data across the network. Storage node operators can stake VDA to provide storage capacity to the network, secure private data and get rewarded.

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